Memorial Fund
We have established a Memorial Fund to provide an opportunity for family and friends to donate money to our church in memory of a deceased loved one. Envelopes for your memorial gift are provided by the church and can be mailed to you upon request. If you need a memorial gift envelope, please email the office.
Memorial gifts can be mailed to Gates Presbyterian Church, 1049 Wegman Rd, Rochester, NY 14624.

Memorial Garden
The Memorial Garden was created as a hallowed place for the interment of ashes of our faithful departed. This garden has been dedicated in the spirit of closing the ministry from birth to death.
The Memorial Garden increases our choices by providing a sacred space, not a cemetery, on our church grounds to remember those who have passed away. Ashes are placed directly into the soil without a container or in a biodegradable container, so that they become part of the living garden. The Garden is also used as a special gathering place for prayer and meditation.
A memorial brick may be purchased separately and incorporated in the pathway of the garden. The brick will be engraved with the deceased name, birth year and death year. A permanent record listing the names of the people whose ashes are buried in the garden is maintained in a Memorial Garden Memory Book.
Memorial Garden Committee Members: Barb Snaith, Eric Vail, Janice Bilohlavek, Ed Coons and Rev. Laura Bachmann
Should you wish to have your loved one interred in the Memorial Garden, you’ll need to print and fill out the forms below. If you are unable to print the forms, please contact our Office Administrator and she can mail you hard copy forms.
Request for Interment
Authorization for Interment
Memorial Brick Order Form
For more information on the Memorial Fund or Memorial Garden, see the Memorial Fund Policy and the Memorial Garden Policies and Procedures in the GPC Manual of Operations.