Giving as an annual pledge
We make a financial pledge in October for the upcoming year. This commitment supports many Ministry and Mission endeavors as well as our staff, committees and building needs.
Giving as a congregation
As a congregation in The Presbyterian Church (USA), we support mission regionally, nationally, and internationally by our Special Offerings.
Giving to a scholarship fund
For many years, the congregation and others have supported the Mustard Seed program. It provides an additional support to one High School Senior in our congregation for their time in college.
Giving to the Endowment Fund
This fund was established in 1991 to provide an opportunity for friends of members, along with members of our church to support the ministry, mission outreach and financial well-being of the church in a fashion establishing both permanence and stability.
Giving to the Memorial Fund
The Memorial Fund was established to provide an opportunity for family and friends to donate money to our church in memory of a deceased loved one. Envelopes for this giving are located on the table in the vestibule.
Methods of financial giving
Cash, Checks (written or electronic direct from a bank), bequests within a Will, deferred giving agreements, charitable remainders and other trusts, qualified charitable distributions, charitable gift annuities, assignment of savings accounts and life insurance, and direct transfer of property, such as cash, appreciated stocks, bonds and real estate.
Electronic Giving:
If you currently utilize online banking or bill pay, add Gates Presbyterian Church, 1049 Wegman Rd, Rochester, NY 14624 as a vendor and include your pledge as you process your other online payments. No more rushing to write checks on Sunday morning & your bank will cover the postage!
Online Giving at Gates Presbyterian Church