International Partnerships

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

The Presbyterian Disaster Assistance enables congregations and mission partners of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crises and catastrophic events, both national and international. GPC has financially supported disaster survivors throughout the world, most recently through Winter Storm Response, Haiti Earthquake and Tropical Storm, US Hurricane Relief-Hurricane Ida, and Ukraine, and Earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. Since there has been a multitude of disasters recently worldwide, we often designate the financial support to “where needed most.”


Since GPC’s first mission trip to Panacal, Guatemala in 1994, the GPC Guatemala Partners Group has worked to assist the people of that region in recovery from the four decades long civil war there. Through joint efforts with the residents there, funding has been provided to launch successful cattle and pig projects. Training of the women was provided by Qachuu Aloom on how to take care of their cows and pigs and they have been able to produce income from these animals while at the same time, building their own confidence and self esteem.

Cattle Project
Cattle Project in Panacal

The Guatemala Partners Group meets monthly on the second Wednesday of the month to study needs, plan mission trips and fundraising activities. In 2013, we began collaboration in this mission with the First Presbyterian Church of Batavia, so some meetings are there. Please come and enjoy the camaraderie of this group.

We are pleased that in 2014, the Genesee Valley Presbytery awarded a Triple Play Grant to the collaboration of GPC Guatemala Partner’s, the First Presbyterian Church of Batavia, and the Garden’s Edge to work with 400 families in the Rabinal region, which includes Panacal. The grant of $10,000 per year for 3 to 5 years is multifaceted and targeted to provide assistance in 3 areas.

Food Security – to help stop the malnutrition of the children and provide a reliable source of healthy food for families;
Economic Security – to help provide a reliable source of income to the families through more job opportunities; and
Educational Security – to insure that deserving students have the opportunity to stay in school, attend college and to prepare themselves for work upon graduation.

The grant is made possible through a new committee of the presbytery called “Three Committees Collaborating” and is a new approach in how we do our mission work as Presbyterians.

The congregation also supports the Randall Shea ministry in Santa Maria Tzeja through administrative services and monetary donations. This ministry develops educational opportunities for the village. Randall Shea is a native of Greece, NY.

Websites of interest for this region are The Garden’s Edge website and also Rights Action website.

Water for South Sudan

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Social Media: There’s a wealth of information on our website, and people can also follow us on FacebookInstagram and X (formerly Twitter).