Here are some answers to the questions you might have about GPC. If you cannot find an answer here or on our website, please contact our office.
When do we worship?
We worship regularly on Sunday mornings from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. and we extend a warm welcome to anyone who would like to join us. We also have special services for holidays. For more information on our worship format see Worship Services. A list of special services can be found here.
Where do I park?
We have a large parking lot accommodating 172 cars, including 7 permanently identified parking spots close to the church entrance for people with disabilities. There is also a drop-off driveway along the sidewalk leading to the church entrance. During the winter, church members will assist people being dropped off in this area.

Where is the front door?
Our front door is in the back! We have three entryways to our church from the parking lot. The left (north) entrance under the portico has two entrances. The glass doors straight ahead are the main entrance to the narthex/vestibule, the church sanctuary and the Presbytery of Genesee Valley.
What should I wear?
We welcome you for who you are not for what you wear. There is no “dress code”. You will see us in casual attire, suits or shorts. So come and be yourself.
Should I bring the children?
Of course! Young people are a part of our church community, too.
How do you announce closings for inclement weather?
We follow the Gates-Chili school district Emergency Closings policy and any travel restrictions put out by Monroe County.
What type of accessibility do you have?
We encourage people of all abilities to worship with us. We have ground level and wheelchair access to all the public spaces in our church. Large print worship service bulletins, large print hymnals, and a personal P.A. system (induction loop) are available. We also welcome service dogs.
Do you provide childcare during worship?
See Infant & Toddler Care