Mission, Values and Beliefs

Who are we?

As a joyful community

empowered by the Holy Spirit,

we worship God, follow Jesus and love our neighbors.

– Mission Statement Adopted by Session; June 2014

Gates Presbyterian Church (GPC) is a Christian community that embodies God’s love and mercy in practical and meaningful ways.

We live out our faith through our Core Values

WorshipGlorify God through traditional and nontraditional styles of liturgy, prayer, scripture, thanksgiving, and music.
HospitalityIntentional practices and conversations that challenge us to imitate God’s welcome.
MissionReflect the love of God by reaching out to those on the margins of our local, regional and worldwide communities.
Spiritual GrowthCreate spaces where all generations can learn together, listen, share our questions and struggles, and actively live our Christian faith in daily life.

GPC is a member church of the Presbytery of Genesee Valley in the Synod of the Northeast of the Presbyterian church (USA)

Gates Presbyterian Church is a More Light Church